Taking early stage positions in important yet underfunded climate opportunities

Tillage of soils has resulted in the loss of carbon to the atmosphere and erosion of this precious resource.
We invest to redesign our energy systems; to improve soil health; to spare the ocean from acidification; to directly recapture carbon from the atmosphere – and more. Innovation and technology are the best hope for an enduring future.
Nurturing environmental innovation
The venture capital industry can be reluctant to invest in risky technologies with externalized benefits, or in speculative business models which still require climate policy to mature. This leads to a gap in the market into which many ideas with enormous climate potential currently fall.
We invest in this gap. We look at sectors that are overlooked and underestimated by other investors, and we often invest at very early stages: sometimes first capital, sometimes even first experiment. We support the ideas that the world needs, but that others can’t help move forward.
Neglected Climate Opportunities
Many of our impact investments are made via the Grantham Trust’s environmental venture capital vehicle, Neglected Climate Opportunities LLC, in partnership with allied philanthropies.

Innovation will advance society's ability to store carbon dioxide in new places.
See some of our favorite investments below.
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